"Des Racines et Des Ailes" is a French TV magazine of reporting and meetings ideated by Patrick de Carolis and Patrick Charles and on the air by the French TV net France3 for the first time on November 26th 1997. From September 2014 the program, about two hour long, goes on the air three times per month and is conducted by Carole Gaessler. The episode of April 6th 2016, fully dedicated to the Tiber river, from the spring to the mouth, has been realized also with the contribution of the Consorzio Tiberina and the Associazione Isola Tiberina. Find herebelow two short trailers relevant to the Tiber island. All the trailers are published under permission of France3. |
1 - L'Île Tibérine : 1 Romain sur 5 y est né! |
2 - La basilique de Saint-Barthélemy de Rome |