In this page are listed the Contacts relevant to this Website and the References of the Business and the Concerns located in the Island.
The administrator of this Website is involved only in the contents of the Website itself and in the information relevant to the Tiber Island and its appurtenances considered as historic-monumental entity, while for specific requests and information relevant to the Concerns located in the Island please refer to the relevant Business.
Website www.isolatiberina.it - Author and Webmaster:
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
San Giovanni Calibita Hospital - Fatebenefratelli: Classified as Zone General Hospital according to Art. 1 of Law 132/68 since 1972 and managed by the Generalate of the Hospital Holy Order of St. John of God (San Giovanni di Dio), also known as Fatebenefratelli.
Jewish Hospital: Head office and surgery: Via Fulda, 14 (in the Portuense-Magliana area) Surgeries: Tiber Island - Piazza San Bartolomeo all'Isola, 21 and Via Veronese, 59 (in the Marconi area).
- Address: Piazza San Bartolomeo all'Isola, 21 - 00186 Rome (Surgery)
- Address Head office and surgery: Via Fulda, 14 (zona Portuense-Magliana)
- Phone: +39 06 602911 (Only Surgery Booking Center)
- Website: Ospedale Israelitico
St. Bartholomew's Basilica at the Island:
- Address: Piazza S. Bartolomeo all'Isola, 22 - 00186 Rome
- Phone: +39 06 6877973
- Website: Basilica di S.Bartolomeo
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Associazione Isola Tiberina:
- Address: Piazza S. Bartolomeo all'Isola n. 22 - 00186 Rome
- Website: Associazione Isola Tiberina
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Oratory of the Sacconi Rossi:
- Address: Piazza S. Bartolomeo all'Isola n. ?? - 00186 Rome
- Phone: +39 06 6837304 - Fax: +39 06 6834001
Pharmacy: Inside the Fatebenefratelli Hospital
- Address: Via Ponte Quattro Capi, 39 - 00186 Rome
- Phone (Hospital Switchboard): +39 06 68371
- Fax: +39 06 6879345
FIDAS - Italian Federation Associations of Blood Donors: Nazional Head Office
- Address: Piazza Fatebenefratelli, 2 - 00186 Rome
- Phone: +39 06 68891457
- Fax: +39 06 68217350
- Website: FIDAS
- e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Restaurant "Sora Lella":
- Address: Via Ponte Quattro Capi, 16 - 00186 Rome
- Phone: +39 06 6861601
- Website: Sora Lella
Bar "Antico caffè dell'Isola":
- Address: Via Ponte Quattro Capi, 18 - 00186 Rome
- Phone: +39 06 6877662
Rome Police Headquarters: Fluvial Police Station
- Address: Piazza San Bartolomeo all'Isola, 21 - 00186 Rome
- Phone: +39 06 68809593
Rome Police Headquarters: Police Station inside the Fatebenefratelli Hospital
- Address: Piazza Fatebenefratelli, 2 - 00186 Rome
- Phone: +39 06 6837200
How to arrive to the Tiber Island:
- Bus: services H - 23 - 63 - 280 - 630 - 780
- Tram: service 8
- Subway: service B, stop Circo Massimo