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D1 - In this engraving by Nicolaus van Aelst (beginning of XVII century), from a drawing of E. du Pérac, the island is represented as a real ship: on the prow, oriented towards the sea, the present marble rests are visible; in particular the bull head shaped decoration is repeated along all the ship side. On the island one can see: on the left the ancient hospital and the Aesculaipus's temple, on the right the temple of Jupiter Licaon and the Fauno one at the NorthWest end.
D2 - In this engraving by Philippe Galle (middle of XVI century) the island is seen from upstream: it is not obvious which ship end is represented.
D3 - Drawing from the codes of the Austin friar Onofrio Panvinio (dead in 1562); the island is seen from Trastevere sailing against the stream. Besides the temples of Fauno and Esculaipus on the island, the drawing shows a detail of the Aesculaipus's image carved on the ship hull.
D4 - Detail of the map of Rome by Etienne du Pérac (1574) in which the Tiber island is represented as a ship going up the flow. At the right of the obelisk, that acts as a ship tree, it is the temple of Esculaipus [Temp. Aesculapii], at the left those of Giove [T.Iovi] and Fauno [T.Fauni].





D5 - Engraving by Egidio (Gilles) Sadeler (1606), from a 1575 drawing of Etienne du Pérac, that in the caption indicates the SouthEast end as "stern".
D6 - The island-ship with the prow oriented to the sea, the obelisk and the temples, in the map of ancient Rome by Ambrogio Brambilla (1582).
D7 - Also in this representation of the island in the map of ancient Rome by Giacomo Lauro (the 1612) the ship is oriented to the sea.
D8 - Particular of one more engraving by G.B. Piranesi (see also pict.B1) on middle of XVIII century which shows the marble rests still in situ.





D9 - This curious fantasy reconstruction of the island in the shape of a fountain is located at Tivoli, near Rome, in the Villa d'Este. It belongs to the relief plant of Rome, the so called "Rometta", built by Pirro Ligorio. The coat of arms of Cardinal Ippolito d'Este replaces the Aesculaipus's symbol.
D10 - The marble remainders of the ship at the SouthEast end of the island in a 2002 photo.
D11 - Detail of the Aesculaipus's effigy with the caduceus and, at the right, the bullhead (2003).
D12 - In this 1872 photo, taken before the construction of the banks around the island, the rests of the ship are still just emerging from the Tiber water.