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Almost total remake of the ancient Pons Caestius, it consists of three equal arches; the lateral ones are bridled in order to reduce the flow of the right branch of the river.
On the upstream parapet have been relocated the memorial tablets of the repairs executed by Graziano (IV century) and by Benedetto Carushomo (BENEDICTUS ALME URBIS SUMM SENATOR RESTAURAVIT HUNC PONTEM FERE DIRUTUM) on 1191-93..

Legends and curiosities

"Lycaonia", one of the various names of Tiberina Isle in the past, probably comes from a statue located on the bridge and representing that region of Asia Minor that became province on 373 AD
A second inscription relevant to Graziano restoration, identical to the still visible one, was originally located on the other parapet; the Roman Republic supporters threw it down to the river on 1849 in the vain attempt to cut off the bridge.