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 E1 - This picture probably shows the SS Annunziata mill moored to the Tiber's right branch upstream from Ponte Cestio. On the left is shown the main raft connected to the bank by a masonry ramp and a wooden footbridge. In the foreground is the mooring turret of another mill (probably the San Francesco mill) located downstream (Chaffourier 1870)
E2 - This picture was taken from Ponte Rotto; the island is on the right. Upstream from Ponte Cestio one sees the San Francesco mill in the middle of the arch, the SS Annunziata mill just behind; a third mill in the background obstructs almost completely the right branch of the river (Chaffourier 1870)
E3 - Upstream from Ponte Cestio are visible, moored to the island, the SS Annunziata mill and, in the middle of the picture, the San Francesco mill (Chaffourier 1870)
E4 -The mill downstream from Ponte Cestio moored to the Trastevere bank; at the left are visible the beasts of burden passing on the footbridge. Behind the bridge we see part of the San Francesco mill (Antonio Acquaroni ~1820)





E5 - "Isola Tiberina verso occidente" [Tiber Island's west side]. On the left branch, upstream from Ponte Fabricio, is shown the ramp of the Sant'Andrea mill also known as "Ghetto mill"; on the right branch in the foreground the Santa Maria mill, the partially hidden SS Annunziata and San Francesco mills moored to the island and two more moored to the Trastevere bank (Giuseppe Vasi 1754)
E6 - "Veduta di Ponte Ferrato degli Antiquarj detto Cestio" [View of bridge-with-iron of the "antique dealers", called Cestio]; fantasy view from the island upstream from the bridge (G.B. Piranesi, middle of XVIII century)
E7 - The Tiber Island and the Tiber's left branch with Ponte Fabricio and two mills; the left one is probably the mill "Sant'Andrea al portone delli Hebrei" [mill of S.Andrea at the Door of the Jews]. (Hieronymus Cock 1530-34; see also B2)
E8 - Fantasy view showing several mills downstream from Ponte Sisto (Hieronymus Francken, inc. M.Sadler - copy from a Du Perac 1574 dwg.)





 E9 - Images of the mills painted on the ceiling of the Chapel in the San Bartolomeo church, on the Tiber Island, where the corporation of milled established their religious see
E10 - In this painting from the end of the XIX century is visible, behind the arch of Ponte Cestio, the ramp of the old Ghetto mill (St Andrea)
E11 - This painting represents a view seen from the east end of the island which shows a mill and its relevant access ramp behind Ponte Rotto (anonymous - end of the XVIII century)
E12 -
A millstone dug out from the river bed and exposed at the Ripa Grande port. It is possible to see the characteristic "guzzatura" i.e. the grooves carved by skilled craftsman in order to permit the proper grinding of grain. As soon as it was carved a millstone tended to become packed with grain and required a preparatory period of grinding before it produced in a satisfactory manner.